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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


For more adorable (if I do say so myself) pictures of our baby boy please add my family blog at http://dusinafamily.blogspot.com/

It's hard enough for me to blog, remain witty as I blog, and post pictures to two sites. Please understand! My family blog will be updated with pics of our growing sprout and this blog is where I will continue to drop f-bombs and talk about leaky nipples. Enjoy!



Ashley said...

I love this picture! What a cutie! He looks like he is saying, "You talkin' to me?!?!?!"
Looking forward to hearing more f bombs and leaky nipple stories!!! :)
Have a good day!

Holly said...

he is so precious! Looking forward to more sweet pics and lots of F bomb and leaky nipple stories! :)

heartincharge said...

I can imagine it would be tough to keep up 2 blogs and care for a newborn. Thanks for posting the link to these pics. Great idea for sharing on both!