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Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Need Help

I've never really been a "green" person or an "organic" person either.  Nor had I used to be a clean freak or a germ-a-phobe but we all know how that has changed since the B man has came along.

So with that said I need help with household cleaners.  More specifically, carpet cleaners.  Even more specifically, carpet cleaners that are safe for baby.  Even way more specifically, carpet cleaners that are safe for baby but still work good enough to clean up dog vomit. 

My need for said cleaner came about two days ago when my dog spewed on the carpet right where B usually rolls around and does face plants.  So obviously right away I knew I needed a cleaner that would kill all the up-chuck germs, but would also be safe enough for baby's face, eyes, nose and mouth. 

Any suggestions? What do you use for household cleaners?



My (In)fertile Confessions said...

ooohhh... I'm not a "green" person when it comes to house hold cleaners. I use Oxyclean on my carpets though if I have to spot clean. Works great!

Jessica Anne said...

I know they sell a lot of baby safe cleaners at Babies R Us.... maybe they have a carpet cleaner!

Anonymous said...

I have a Bissel steam cleaner that we use, but it isn't always convenient to haul the damn thing out for 1 spot. But most recently I found Bissel step one cleaner has worked awesomely on my carpet.

meghan said...

I would try googling uses for vinegar and/or baking soda. I know both have a million different things they can do wonders on, just can't remember if carpet cleaning is one of them. But they are natural so should be safe!